Explorations de Monaco to announce their next Mediterranean mission at the Decade of the Ocean Conference in Barcelona

March 28, 2024 On the occasion of the Decade of the Ocean Conference in Barcelona, the Explorations de Monaco company will unveil its new expedition…
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Protecting UNESCO’s World Marine Heritage through scientific research – Expo

New photographic exhibition along Monaco's St-Martin Gardens
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Reef biodiversity in Mayotte©Pascale Chabanet_IRD.jpg

Call for applications

Launch of a thematic school on the reef heritage vulnerability, in the Seychelles, in June 2024.
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Monaco Explorations team wishes you a Happy New Year!


Monaco Explorations team wishes you a Happy New Year!
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Who we are

Monaco Explorations: reconciling mankind and the sea

Les Explorations de Monaco is a platform for H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco’s commitment to the knowledge, sustainable management and protection of the ocean.

Madeira - Macaronesia Expedition

Cabo Verde - Macaronesia Expedition

Sargasso Expedition 2017

Martinique Expedition 2017-2018

Malpelo Expedition 2018

Santa Marte Expedition - Colombia

Norway Expedition 2018

Hawaï Expedition 2018

New Caledonia Expedition 2019

Gombessa V Expedition 2019

Palaos Expedition 2019

ENCOR Expedition 2019

Sphyrna odyssey Expedition 2019

Badu Expedition 2018

Indian Ocean Expedition 2022

Mediterranean Mission 2024

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What do we do?

The Société des Explorations de Monaco aims to carry out international collaborative missions that combine scientific research, public outreach and governmental cooperation.
The main themes guiding its action are the protection of megafauna, coral protection, new exploration technologies and the development of marine protected areas.

Indian Ocean Expedition

The new Monaco Explorations mission to the western Indian Ocean is the first stage of the “Monaco Explorations” project, approved as part of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development 2021-2030.
The geographical area studied from October to November 2022 lies between Reunion Island, Mauritius and the Seychelles.


New photographic exhibition along Monaco’s St-Martin Gardens
Launch of a thematic school on the reef heritage vulnerability, in the Seychelles, in June 2024.

The latest missions we have supported

Across the world

From Macaronesia to Colombia, with a stopover in the Pacific, Explorations de Monaco has already covered
numerous regions.
New areas of study include the Mediterranean, Melanesia and the Indian Ocean.

Governance of Monaco Explorations