Voices from the Indian Ocean: episode 7

Voices from the Indian Ocean, by Elise Rigot. Episode n°7

All along the route of the Monaco 2022 Explorations mission to the Indian Ocean, visual artist Elise Rigot documents the expedition’s progress through sound: scientists in action, animal sounds or natural ambiences, stories; through each character, the voices of the Indian Ocean bear witness to a culture, a heritage, but also to this quest for discovery, knowledge and truth. Voices of attachment, recounting the relationship that the people on this mission maintain and live with the Indian Ocean on a daily basis. The podcast echoes these voices, weaving together scientific accounts, life stories and the atmospheric sounds of this very special crossing.

Voices from the Indian Ocean

Episode n°7: discovering the invisible island

I met Line in the laboratory of the huge S.A. Agulhas II, the big ship I’d been on for over three weeks. I immediately liked this encounter. I followed her on her dive boat, without being able to dive to the impressive depths where she and Manu were descending. They took on board a large sucker that enabled them to take samples from the sediment…

Elise Rigot

Discovering the invisible Island

Surface recovery of a suction tube used by divers for underwater sampling©Nicolas Mathys_Zeppelin_MonacoExplorations

Discovering the invisible Island...©Nicolas Mathys_Zeppelin_MonacoExplorations

Line Le Gall performs final checks on diving equipment before descending to the Saya de Malha Bank©Nicolas Mathys_Zeppelin_MonacoExplorations

Rare and delicate dives on the invisible island©Sven Bender_Autentic_MonacoExplorations

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