Auriane Pertuisot, marine projects officer at the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, has been coordinating a coalition of donors dedicated to protecting the Mediterranean monk seal since 2019: the Monk Seal Alliance. In this post, she explains the coalition’s raison d’être, actions and results.

The Monk Seal Alliance is part of the circle of partners of the Missions Méditerranée des Explorations de Monaco. As part of its mission to educate and raise awareness, it participated in the design of the exhibition “Time for Action: Mediterranean Marine Areas”, inaugurated in Barcelona on April 9, 2024 for the 2nd meeting of the Decade of the Ocean.

Protecting the Mediterranean Monk Seal

Why the Monk Seal Alliance exists

The Mediterranean monk seal, Monachus monachus, is one of the world’s most endangered marine mammals. With less than 900 individuals remaining, mainly distributed between Greece, Turkey and Cyprus in the Mediterranean, Mauritania and Madeira in the Atlantic, its conservation is crucial for marine biodiversity. The Monk Seal Alliance plays an important role in the protection of this emblematic species, supporting conservation projects and coordinating various initiatives on a regional scale.

Who is the Mediterranean Monk Seal?

The Mediterranean monk seal can measure up to 2.4 meters and weigh up to 320 kg.

Monk seal hunting was one of the first human pressures on this species. Since ancient times, monk seals have been hunted for their skin, blubber and meat. This intensive exploitation has considerably reduced their numbers.

Historically, seals mainly used beaches for resting and breeding. However, they have gradually adopted inaccessible sea caves, far from human activity, to find a little peace and quiet.

Today, the main threats to the species are habitat loss due to coastal construction and mass tourism, and accidental entanglement in fishing nets or deliberate killing.

The actions of the Monk Seal Alliance

  1. Habitat protection: MSA works with and supports governments and local NGOs to create and manage marine protected areas (MPAs). If the organizations that manage them have adequate human, technical and financial resources, these areas offer a safe haven for seals.
  2. Monitoring and Research: The alliance funds research projects to identify population characteristics, and study seal behavior, habitats and needs. This information is crucial for understanding the threats they face and deducing conservation priorities.
  3. Awareness and education: Raising public awareness is essential to the long-term conservation of monk seals. MSA supports educational campaigns to inform local communities and tourists about the importance of preserving this species.
  4. Emergency response: In the case of injured or distressed seals, MSA can support organizations providing veterinary care before releasing them into a marine protected area.

Impact and results

Thanks to the efforts of the Monk Seal Alliance and its partners, several notable successes have been achieved. Local seal populations are showing signs of recovery, and new marine protected areas have been established. The latest global assessment of the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List confirms an increase in the population. International collaboration and local partnerships are at the heart of these successes, demonstrating the importance of a collective approach to marine wildlife conservation.

Auriane Pertuisot. FPA2©FPA2

Auriane Pertuisot

Monk Seal Alliance coordinator since 2019. In charge of marine projects for the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation.

In this post from June 7, 2024, Joana, Manon, Hortense and Gaël, 4th graders at the Lycée français de Barcelone, look back on their day at Barcelona’s Port Vell on April 8, 2024, a day during which they took part in several educational and awareness-raising workshops offered by Explorations de Monaco on the occasion of the second meeting of the Decade of the Ocean.

A day out of the ordinary...

On the afternoon of Monday April 8, 2024, our 4th grade class, one of three maritime classes at the Lycée Français de Barcelone, had the chance to discover the Société des Explorations de Monaco.

First port of call: guided tour and workshop on the “Time for Action: Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas” exhibition”

The exhibition was held outdoors at Barcelona’s Port Vell. The visit was an opportunity to learn about the current state of the Mediterranean, the dangers that threaten it and the importance of Marine Protected Areas for its protection and sustainable management. It is a sea rich in biodiversity but particularly vulnerable, containing 28% of endemic species, i.e. species that live only in this sea! It’s an almost enclosed sea, in the middle of the land, around which 522 million people live. Imagine the pollution generated by discharge and waste, the intensity of tourism and shipping traffic!

This visit made us realize the extent to which global warming and human activity are having an impact on ecosystems such as coralligenous, posidonia and the open sea. They affect underwater species such as turtles and groupers… Angela, our guide, made us realize that we humans are not the only ones suffering from global warming. Other species suffer just as much, if not more, than we do! And we can do something to reverse the trend: for example, by developing Marine Protected Areas and making them more effective. Today, 8.33% of the Mediterranean is protected, but only 0.04% of its waters benefit from strong protection. A great deal of investment is still needed to reach 30% by 2030, as the states have decided…

Second port of call: in the afternoon, we boarded the Tuiga, flagship of the Yacht Club de Monaco (YCM) .

We split into two groups. One, with Didier, discovered the subtleties of seamanship and the living conditions of sailors. The other, with Jean, the incredible story of this regatta boat. This magnificent racing yacht was built 115 years ago, in 1909, by Scottish architect William Fife III in Fairlie, on the West coast of Scotland. Its first owner was the Marquis de Medinaceli, cousin of the King of Spain. Of the 20 boats built on this model between 1908 and 1912, only three other identical yachts are still plying the seas: the Hispania, owned by the King of Spain, the Mariska and The Lady Anne. The Tuiga met up with the Mariska here at Barcelona’s Reial Club, where we were staying.

Portrait of a traditional sailing icon: the Tuiga

Jean, one of the sailors who looks after the yacht all year round, shared his secrets with us.

Its construction materials, teak and mahogany, make it weather-resistant. Its hull is 23 metres long. Equipped with a bowsprit mast with a net to secure the sails and prevent the crew’s “number 1” from falling into the water, she has a trapezoidal sail and a sail in the shape of a right-angled triangle, called a jib: she has a sail area of 370 m3.

To go out to sea, you need a crew of around twenty sailors. The yacht can go up to 25-30 knots, which corresponds to a speed of 30-40 km/hour, and has a draught of 26.07281844048 tons, the equivalent of 73.83 m3!



Thank you so much for this extraordinary experience, which for sure we’ll remember for the rest of our lives!

Joana, Manon, Hortense and Gaël

4th graders in maritime-oriented classes at the Lycée français de Barcelone.

Mediterranean missions partners

Governance of Monaco Explorations

In this post, Aude Jacomme, a teacher at the Lycée Français de Barcelone in charge of classes with maritime challenges, talks about the fruitful collaboration set up with Explorations de Monaco on the occasion of the 2nd meeting of the Decade of the Ocean in Barcelona. Here’s a look back at the organization and unfolding of a week rich in discoveries, initiating new projects and promising extensions.

A meeting that bears fruit...

The beginnings…

January 12, 2024, among the many emails received each day, one in particular catches my attention: “Ocean Decade Conference and classes with maritime challenges at the Lycée Français de Barcelone”… Mail origin : Monaco Explorations ? The 2nd Ocean Decade Conference…

The aim of these classes with maritime challenges is to make students aware of the various issues surrounding the conservation and sustainable management of the ocean, and to open up new horizons in terms of professional fields, culture, knowledge and interpersonal skills. Each time, the speakers who come to meet our students explain their career paths to raise awareness of training, studies and professions, some of which are extremely motivating. We collaborate with universities and research laboratories in physics, chemistry and marine biology. We are also in contact with the Port of Barcelona for all matters concerning port activities, and companies working in the maritime economy and the so-called “blue economy”.

So it was here, on January 12, 2024, at the opening of this mailbox, that the adventure began… And what an adventure it was! Very quickly, a videoconference and weekly exchanges enabled us to share many ideas and determine how the Société des Explorations de Monaco could enrich our students’ careers. A network of exchanges is being set up, and we enthusiastically share the contacts of our local partners.

Sailor's knot workshop aboard Tuiga with delegates from classes with maritime challenges at the Lycée Français de Barcelone. April 9, 2024. Port Vell. Barcelona©JC Vinaj.Explorations de Monaco

Debate at the Lycée Français de Barcelone. April 10, 2024. Xavier Prache, Director of Explorations de Monaco. On his right, Mr Jean Bastianelli, Principal and on his left, Mrs Anne-Sophie Vallier, Deputy Principal ©JCVinaj.Explorations de Monaco

Mediation, one of the three pillars of the Explorations de Monaco's work during the Mediterranean Missions, along with regional cooperation and science©JCVinaj.Explorations de Monaco

Teachers from the Lycée Français de Barcelone at sea school aboard , the Principality of Monaco's ambassador ship. April 12, 2024©JCVinaj.Explorations de Monaco

Classes with maritime challenges delegates welcome to Port Vell aboard . April 9, 2024. Students with the crew and the Monaco Explorations animation team©JCVinaj. Explorations of Monaco

Educational workshop on the "Time for Action" exhibition with students from the Lycée Français de Barcelone. April 9, 2024. Several 4th, 5th and 3rd grade classes from the Lycée Français will have been hosted during the week of April 8-12, 2024 along with other Barcelona schools ©A.Jacomme. Explorations of Monaco

Didier Théron, Mediation Manager for Explorations de Monaco, welcomes a class from the Lycée Français at Barcelona's Reial Club Nautico. On the program: a marine workshop aboard Tuiga and a visit to the Marine Protected Areas exhibition. April 7, 2024©A.Jacomme. Explorations of Monaco

Exchange between the entire Explorations de Monaco team and students, teachers and parents at the Lycée Français de Barcelone. April 12, 2024©JCVinaj.Explorations de Monaco

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Projects take shape…

March 2024, no more screens and written exchanges, it’s time to get to know each other. Xavier Prache is in Barcelona for a few precious hours, during which we list the program offered to our students. A visit to , exhibitions on Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas, exchanges between LFB families and members of the Société des Explorations de Monaco, an outing at sea for teachers, a meeting between our maritime challenges ambassadors and His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco… Just thinking about all these wonderful experiences offered to our students and their teachers made me “le corazon contento” as the Spanish say. So many opportunities!

The long-awaited week is about to begin…

April 2024, after a week of intense daily exchanges, we’re finally there – everything’s ready! We met up with the rest of the team; we’d exchanged so much beforehand that we felt we already knew each other. What a team! A warm and attentive welcome, as all our maritime stakes classes were able to discover the interactive exhibition on Marine Protected Areas, accompanied by a member of the team who was able to teach them about this concept. They also met the crew, from deckhand to captain! Chair knot, fisherman’s knot – they now know all there is to know, and they do it with their eyes closed and their hands behind their backs. They discovered a rather unique boat in terms of its history and the living conditions of sailors during regattas. One of our sailing enthusiasts also met the crew of the sister ship Mariska. Our students were immersed in maritime issues at the highest level, and understood that the Ocean was the concern of the years to come: better knowledge for better protection!

They still talk about it today with stars in their eyes every time they walk through the door of our classrooms. They feel concerned, involved and responsible. That’s what this kind of project is all about.

So it’s safe to say: mission accomplished!

The adventure continues

June 2024; the next stage in our collaboration, but the adventure doesn’t end here! That’s what makes this great joint project so special and so magical. The Marine Protected Areas exhibition remained in Barcelona at the Lycée Français. Our pupils are getting ready to present it to children in primary classes, but also to other schools in the area. In French, English, Catalan and Spanish, whatever the language, they’ll get the message across.

Thanks again to the Monaco explorations team for this wonderful experience, which will remain engraved in the memory of the Lycée Français de Barcelone.

Aude Jacomme. Lycée Français de Barcelone.12 avril 2024©S. Peroumal. Explorations de Monaco


Teacher at the Lycée Français de Barcelone. In charge of classes with maritime challenges.

Mediterranean missions partners

Governance of Monaco Explorations

April 9, 2024. On the eve of the announcement of the Mediterranean Missions in Barcelona, for the second meeting of the Decade of the OceanXavier Prache sets the scene, looks ahead to the next stage of his career and measures the progress made since his arrival on September 1, 2023 at the head of the company. Explorations of Monaco.

Off we go!

Here we go! April 9, 2024. Announcing Monaco’s Mediterranean Explorations Missions!

Barely 7 months after taking the helm of this singular platform, entirely dedicated to serving H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco’s commitment to the knowledge, sustainable management and protection of the Ocean, I find myself in Barcelona. From the top of the terrace of the apartment rented for the occasion, the Explorations team’s HQ for this baptism of fire, I contemplate the Port Vell and its promenade, where the travelling exhibition on Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean, entitled“Time for Action“, has been on display for the past few days. This formidable mediation tool is the result of a lot of hard work, carried out with our partners for the occasion. Everything is ready, or seems to be! The team worked for it! Before me, Gilles Bessero, former director of Explorations de Monaco, had paved the way. Like a good ship’s captain, I followed her, making sure that every member of the crew was prepared for the big day.

And here we are! The first mediation activities began the day before with classes from the Lycée Français de Barcelone, including the 4th grade class with ” maritime challenges“. Students who are already motivated and committed, to be tomorrow’s ambassadors of the Mediterranean to their classmates and families, and the day after tomorrow to their children, in turn, and to their colleagues in their professional lives. They’re lively, interested and curious, with the insolence that youth still allows: the challenges facing the Mediterranean in general, and the Marine Protected Areas in particular, are nourished by this youth, this strength, this hope for the future.

Time for Action

This nugget of biodiversity, the Mediterranean, represents less than 1% of the total surface area of the oceans. Yet it is home to 8% of the world’s marine species and 28% of endemic species. This sea in the middle of the land needs our common commitment, all generations, strengths and skills united, so that the ambitious targets set in 2022 in the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework have a chance of being approached: 30% of the Mediterranean duly conserved and managed by 2030! It’s time for action.

For months, the team has been working on the events that will mark the announcement day. But we’re not alone: the co-organizers of these events, MedPAN, SPA/RAC, The MedFund and the Monk Seal Alliance, have been supporting us from the outset. Our institutional partners too, the Princely Government, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Oceanographic Institute, the Monaco Scientific Centre, and the Yacht Club de Monaco, thanks to which we are lucky enough to be accompanied to Barcelona by Tuiga, the Principality of Monaco’s heritage yacht. No, we’re not alone, and we’re even privileged to be able to count on the presence of the Sovereign Prince at each of our satellite events. What other country in the world can boast such a commitment, on a daily basis, to the Ocean, and here in particular the Mediterranean Sea?

The stage is set for Mediterranean Missions. For a long time! Just imagine: 7 years of missions all around the Mediterranean, serving marine protected areas and their managers. Barcelona will be followed in October 2024 by the first Mediterranean Missions launch mission, in Greece! 5 weeks in which we look forward to coming back to you to share the Principality of Monaco’s commitment…

Onwards and upwards! Set course for the Mediterranean and its marine protected areas!

Xavier Prache


Director of Explorations in Monaco.

Xavier PRACHE succeeded Gilles BESSERO on September 1, 2023.

Governance of Monaco Explorations

Dass Bissessur expresses in this post the feelings of the Mauritian scientific team at the end of the Monaco Indian Ocean Explorations mission; an exceptional opportunity to build capacity in the various disciplines of oceanography and to further explore the little known area of Saya de Malha.

The Mauritian perspective

As Mauritian scientists, this expedition provided an amazing opportunity to enhance our capacity in the different disciplines of oceanography and further explore this remote region. Being on a research vessel such as the SA Agulhas II, we, as young scientists, gained hands-on training in manipulating and operating oceanographic instrument, collecting quality data and samples as well as processing and analysing these data. 

We also worked in close collaboration with international scientists in research work involving:  physio-chemical profiling, bathymetry, sub-bottom profiling, currents, fauna and flora samplings and marine mammals’ and birds’ observations. Additionally, two experiments, the first involving  the photosynthetic activities of seaplants (phytoplankton, seaweeds and seagrasses) and marine symbiotic invertebrates (hard corals, gorgonians, giant clams) and the second, the thermal tolerance of these organisms to climate change-driven global warming were conducted for the first time onboard a vessel by Mauritian scientists.

On a general note, even though we were working on 12-hour shifts and some of us were sleep-deprived, the Monaco Explorations Indian Ocean Expedition will be remembered for the synergy and cooperation fostered by all participants whilst working towards achieving their goals. The sense of camaraderie between participants and crew alike helped in making the shift hours shorter and more enjoyable. Moreover, a helping hand was always available to divide and conquer the various science tasks. The sunsets aboard the SA Agulhas II were only matched by the millions of stars observed at night and the artists onboard were able to give an extra dimension to the work carried out by the scientists. It is with sadness that participants bid farewell to their friends as well as the place they called home for three weeks, and more for others.
However, much work still needs to be done and the analysis of the data and specimens collected is eagerly awaited. Overall, this expedition will live long in the memories of the Mauritian participants and bodes well for the scientific community working on the Indian Ocean.
Dass Bissessur. Scientifique mauricien. Membre de la mission océan Indien 2022©Didier Théron_MonacoExplorations

Dass Bissessur

PhD in Marine Geophysics.

Director Hydrocarbon / Mineral Exploration Unit.

Department of Continental Shelf, Administration and Exploration of Maritime Areas. 
Office of the Prime Minister, Mauritius Island

Francis Marsac, IRD representative in the Seychelles, fisherman and oceanographer, was the coordinator of the various scientific projects on the Saya de Malha Bank during the Monaco Explorations’ Indian Ocean mission. Three intense weeks and a lot of satisfaction on the spot, including on a human level, with great extensions and results in prospect.

The campaign comes to an end

The Saya de Malha Bank is already far behind the wake of the S.A Agulhas II… The campaign ended in Mauritius on 22 November, with the laboratories emptied of the equipment especially brought for this project. Measuring instruments, fishing gear, and collected specimens were put back in the container and in crates that will be unloaded in Cape Town, the final destination of the Monaco Explorations journey that started on 3 October, before being sent to the French laboratories. Great silence on board after the past agitation on the deck, the noise of the winches, the comings and goings of one or the other, the doors opening and closing… The hive is deserted, end of campaign’s wistfulness!

What will remain after our passage on this shallow sea in the middle of the ocean? Barely a few traces of our dragging gear, which will soon be blurred by the currents that relentlessly reshape the sediments. On the other hand, a magnificent harvest of specimens of benthic communities, collected over barely 60,000 m² divided into five sectors, along a 1600 nautical mile route on the Saya de Malha bank.

What exactly are we talking about? 300 to 400 species of molluscs, around 300 species of crustaceans and a hundred or so species of algae were brought on board, sorted, and examined under a binocular magnifying glass by our experts from the National Museum of Natural History. Already, three gastropod specimens and one crustacean are considered new species, i.e. not yet described by taxonomists.

Two emblematic species, a gastropod, Conus primus, and the giant clam Tridacna rosewaterii, were ‘re-discovered’ on Saya de Malha. “The potential for discovery of other endemic and even new species among our collections is significant,” says Professor Philippe Bouchet, an internationally renowned malacologist and member of the expedition. This will keep specialists busy for the next five years, given the scale of this harvest. To be followed very closely!

Gigabytes of digital data on physico-chemical and biological parameters measured by the CTD probe in the water column have been stored on the computers. There are also long hours of video footage filmed by the ROV during its seven dives, and images taken by various cameras anchored to the seabed that remain to be processed, enough to provide research topics for our young researchers in the region. This choice information on the properties of the water column and the habitats visited gives context to the floristic and faunistic inventory described above.

We can be satisfied with this initial scientific assessment. However, the first asset of the expedition lies in the human aspect. The scientific team was made up of scientists from Seychelles (including students), Mauritius, France, South Africa, and Spain. A melting pot of nationalities and skills that worked wonderfully. An inter-generational fusion of exchanges, interaction, mutual aid, and interests that took place after only a few days of learning from each other.

In my opinion, the Monaco Explorations expedition has greatly contributed to strengthening exchanges between Seychellois and Mauritian scientists. They did not know each other very well, but now they have a strong motivation to develop joint projects. “When to for the next campaign?” they exclaimed as they left the ship. The framework of the Saya de Malha Joint Management Area is a perfect fit, as Seychelles and Mauritius have each developed a Blue Economy roadmap and want to work together towards the sustainable use of Saya de Malha resources. This can only be done on a scientific basis. I am convinced that this desire to work together is not a “one shot”. It will continue in a broader framework, including training and future projects to be co-designed with the expedition’s scientists from outside the region.


Francis Marsac

Administrator Representative of IRD in the Seychelles, Halieute and oceanographer, coordinator of the scientific operations carried out on Saya de Malha during the second part of the Monaco Explorations’ Indian Ocean mission.

A young Seychellois entrepreneur, Mariette Dine tells us what the Monaco Explorations mission to the Indian Ocean has brought her in terms of experience in pursuing her professional activities. She is developing a project on the use of algae to manufacture bio-plastics. Mariette’s projects are supported by the Seychelles Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust (SeyCCAT). This organization strategically invests in ocean stakeholders to generate new learning, bold action and sustainable blue prosperity in Seychelles.

My first experience of a mission at sea.

My name is Mariette Dine. I came on board as an independent contractor, as part of the Seychelles Department of Blue Economy. I had the opportunity to take part in the second phase of the mission’s study of the Saya de Malha bank and Saint Brandon.

The Monaco Explorations mission to the Indian Ocean was a great opportunity for me and the other Seychellois participants to take part in marine research on the Mascarene Plateau.

This enabled me to strengthen my skills and knowledge of algae specimens, under the supervision of Professor Line Le Gall, botanist and director of scientific expeditions at the Museum national d’Histoire naturelle in Paris, Dr Lydianne Mattio and Dr Jeanne Mortimer from the University of Seychelles, in charge of the Seychelles National Herbarium.

Students and young researchers and entrepreneurs from Seychelles and Mauritius aboard the S.A. Agulhas II, with Francis Marsac, coordinator of scientific operations on the Saya de Malha shoal. Indian Ocean Mission.17_11_2022©Sundy Ramah_MonacoExplorations

Mariette Dine with the ROV team©MonacoExplorations

Line Le Gall, MNHN and Mariette Dine ©Mariette Dine_MonacoExplorations

A participatory application launched by Mariette Dine to help gather photos of seaweed species collected during the mission. Mariette Dine_MonacoExplorations

Knowledge transfer and training on board©Mariette Dine_MonacoExplorations

New species to be added to the Seychelles national herbarium. Saya de Malha. Indian Ocean Mission©Didier Théron_MonacoExplorations

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I’m grateful to have had the chance to learn from the various projects on board, such as the physiological studies on corals led by Dr. G. B. B., and the research on the corals led by Dr. G. B. B. C. Ranjeet Baghooli from Mauritius, who focus on fluorescence measurements of various coral species, sponges and algal specimens such as the green alga Caulerpa.

The methodologies I learned and observed on board the ship will be very useful to me and will inspire me for my current and future projects, whether it be the works of art of the artists on board or the beauty of the specimens collected by Laure Corbari, Line Le Gall and her team, not forgetting Ms Florence Galletti for her interesting point of view on the law of the sea and its links with our work.

Mariette Dine. Indian Ocean Expedition.14_11_2022©François Simard_MonacoExplorations

Mariette Dine

Contractor. Graduate of the University of Seychelles in Marine Sciences and Sustainability.