Malpelo: HSH Prince Albert Onboard, Day 1

HSH Prince Albert arrived in Malpelo today. He was accompanied by Patti Londoño, Colombian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Admiral Juan Soltau, Head of Maritime Interests for the Colombian Navy, and Robert Calcagno, Head of Mission for Monaco Explorations.

The first stop for the group was on the island of Malpelo and visiting the military vessel.

After arriving onboard and meeting the scientific teams, His Serene Highness went to sea with the Megafauna team to set baited cameras. The rest of the delegation joined on a second tender to observe the work.

While at sea, we found Sandra Bessudo and her team and stopped to meet them and hear about their day.

In the evening, the scientific teams made presentations to Prince Albert and the rest of the group onboard.