L’Echo des Labos n°9

L'écho des Labos n°9, by Stéphane Dugast, special correspondent.

Saya de Malha, a living laboratory

With just a few hours to go before landfall, Francis Marsac, coordinator of scientific operations on the Saya de Malha Bank, gives an initial assessment of the operations carried out.

What will remain of our passage on this shallow sea planted in the middle of the ocean?

“Barely a few traces of our dragging gear, quickly faded by the currents that relentlessly reshape the sediments. On the other hand, a magnificent harvest of benthic community specimens, collected over a mere 60,000 m² divided into five sectors, along a 1600 nautical mile route on the Saya de Malha shoal”, assures the researcher happy with the smooth running of operations, and with his eyes already on the future. It’s even time for optimism.

The main characters

Francis Marsac, oceanographer and fisherman, is a researcher at IRD, coordinating the scientific operations of the Indian Ocean mission on the Saya de Malha shoal.

Francis Marsac interviewed by Stéphane Dugast aboard the S.A. Agulhas II. 11_11_2022©Nicolas Mathys_Zeppelin_MonacoExplorations

Speaking to our special correspondent Stéphane Dugast, Francis Marsac gives an initial assessment of operations on November 21, 2022©Nicolas Mathys_Zeppelin_MonacoExplorations

Will the research carried out on Malha's Saya bank during the Indian Ocean mission help to lift some of the veil on the mysteries and secrets of the invisible island? Answer in the coming months...©Sven Bender_Autentic_MonacoExplorations

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